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OMG Games! #1 Flinthook, RIVE, Starbot, & Crosscode

Hey Guys, how's it going?

Today will mark the start of a new series, one that I've chosen to call : "OMG Games!". Basically, we're going to check out a few games that I've been playing lately. These can be games provided to me by developers, or games that I own personally, either way they're going to be relatively cheap, or free, and can be played on almost any

computer. Without further ado, let's get started!


I : Flinthook


First up is an awesome retro-style, pirate, shooting, grappling hook flinging sidescroller. This is a game with awesome art, an equally amazing soundtrack, and super innovative gameplay; that all add up to make an awesome 32-Bit gaming experience.

While a sidescroller isn't exactly a concept that we haven't seen before, Tribute Games takes a different approach. Our hero quickly acquires a grappling hook, which is a huge part of the unique Flinthook gaming experience. There are aspects where you have to grapple over certain obstacles, or hook onto doors to enter the next area. There is also a blaster that you use mostly for battle.

Another thing that I want to shed light on is that in my first few minutes of playing I encountered a few bugs that stopped me from proceeding through the levels, specifically one that would stop me from activating the Chrono-Belt, which slows down time(another awesome aspect), the problem was that the area couldn't be cleared without the belt. This was quickly fixed with an email to customer support, who were very nice and promptly addressed the issue.

So all in all, Flinthook is an amazing gaming experience, that does have flaws; but an awesome experience, amazing art, epic music, all for just $14.99? That's hard to argue with.

II. Rive


Rive is an awesome space themed, side-crolling, platformer, shooter game that takes cues from classic arcade shoot em' up games as well as modern FPS games such as Titanfall. The graphics aren't retro, or 8-Bit, or 16-Bit, or 32-Bit like Flinthook. But they use elements of both, the bullets being fired in the image above is what I would consider to be retro, and the entire design and feel of the game is retro; but the graphics are mostly modern.

It's a pretty difficult game that does have a story, but focuses heavily on gameplay and swarming you with hordes of enemies just for you to try super hard to blow them up! It's straightforward nature was refreshing and graphics and voiceover are just icing on the cake.

Using elements of both styles, along with using a side view instead of a traditional top down are things that make Rive stand out from the competition, along with the fact that it's available on PC, Mac, Linux, Nintendo Switch, & Coming Soon to Xbox One S, & Xbox One X. Oh yeah, it's also $14.99 .

III. Starbot


Unlike Rive, Starbot is an RPG that barely focuses on the graphics and gameplay, but goes all out on the story. The simple but fitting music, the simple graphics, the simple gameplay, and the simple but amazing story all tie together to make this game one of the most touching and emotional pieces that I have ever played. I think that the developers of Starbot have used the format of a game, to tell a beautiful story that I think anyone can enjoy.

Alright Guys, I think that about wraps up this installment in what I hope to be a returning series. Thanks to Two Tribes & Tribute Games for sending out Rive & Finthook respectively; and thanks to you guys for reading!

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