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Mafia : The Card Game

Hi Everyone, how's it going?

Today were checking out Mafia, a classic party game that everyone has to play at some point in their lives. But with a twist, it's the card game version. Thanks to Apostrophe Games for sending Mafia for me to check out, let's take a look!



The game comes in a nice leather(or leather like) pouch with a zipper. It's a little bigger than the cards that it houses. Speaking of which, the cards feel good and high quality. The art is a bit childish looking but it's fine for the purpose. The game is only about $12, but that's still a lot for a simple party game that has been turned into a card game. Or is it, there are a number of new roles that they have come up with along with roles that were optional in the classic game. Some of these roles feel like near duplicates of each other, due to that, it feels like a desperate attempt to differentiate itself from the classic version. Something that I found pretty interesting was that, on their Kickstarter page where they funded the game, it says the following:

" Pledge $25 or more :

In addition to the one complete Mafia card set listed above, you'll also receive one of our 30 card demo sets which includes two additional roles that were cut from the final set (Postman & Serial Killer). "

And oddly enough, the very two roles that were mentioned as "cut from the final set", are included in the copy that you can purchase now. This goes back to my previous point, they decided themselves that these two roles should be cut, presumably because of duplication; but they put them back in the game! I do find this as a bad practice because it makes people not like our game and see you as a lazy designer and game producer, but it doesn't hurt gameplay and offers variety.

At the end of the day, this is not a game for everyone, this game is for people who constantly have friends over or host large group parties. Then, you can look classy, avoid tedious setup and making and assigning roles, and have all of that for relatively cheap.

Thanks for reading everyone, see you next time!

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