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Possibly the best game ever reviewed on the site...

Hi Everyone, how's it going?

Props to the folks over at Competo for sending out Klask so that I can check it out! Klask is a fast-paced game of skill and simplicity that's quick to learn, but never gets old!

Let's start with the design. Klask is made out of real wood and has an appearance that allows it to fit in almost anywhere. The wood complements the blue really well, and is a pleasure to look at. There is a wall between the two sides so that the players can't invade each others sides. It features a scoring mechanism that involves 2 plastic disks which are slotted into a groove in the wood which allows for easy and elegant scoring. Everything feels sturdy and robust but not too overwhelming and boxy. At first glance, it's easy to mistake this for a miniature table tennis board, until you see the magnets.

This is the coolest and most unique part of the game by far! The "strikers" which the players move in order to hit the ball and do basically everything in the game, are comprised of two strong magnets that are attracted to each other, this allows for one to become the grip for the player, and the other to become the actual striker portion. These are on the top and underside of the board respectively. You may think this is weird and hard to control at first, but it allows for some awesome game mechanics. Each player has to get their hand under the board in order to hold the grip portion of the striker, this takes hand-eye coordination to a whole new level! Next, the magnets are sturdy enough for gameplay, but are loose enough to make "losing control of the striker" something to be aware of, since the other player would get a point. There are also 3 little, plastic cylinders which are also magnets. These are to be lined up on top of their respective positions at the start of the game. If a player attracts 2 magnets onto their striker, the other player scores a point. This, again, allows for unique game mechanics such as, hitting the ball towards the magnet in order to make the other player attract it.

All of the components, such as the strikers, little magnets, and the ball come inside of a polyester bag that stores everything securely through it's "sling latch" mechanism, similar to the straps found on sling bags.

Final Verdict - 10/10


All of the elements of this game feel extremely well thought out. It brings some awesome and unique game mechanics that I have never seen on any other game. For $50, it may be a little pricey, but you would not be able to build something on your own for less money, or of equal quality. This game only gets more fun as it goes, and is the first game that I have seen, that can be played well and with lots of fun, for all ages. Klask is the first product after the institution of the "Outstandingly Awesome" Award, to win that very award.

Thanks for reading everyone, I'll catch you in the next one.

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