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Remote Raspberry Pi!!!

Hey everyone,here at JCInc HQ we were racking our minds with all the awesome stuff there is to do with a raspberry pi!Now,if you don't know what a raspberry pi is,or what in the world i'm talking about then you can watch this video:

Now,in the video it states that the Rpi(raspberry pi)cost 25 pounds,that is because it was manufactured in the UK,you can get a model b(the one mentioned in the video)for $35 on amazon,25 pounds UK.

So,we set the raspberry pi up to run a VNC(Virtual Network Computing)server,so that you don't need a monitor,keyboard,and mouse to actually use the pi.After we set up the VNC server,we made the rpi go cordless by using a 5volt power bank,to be the power,for the rpi.So,we have a portable computer that can:Do spreadsheets,draw,edit text,play HD Videos,and play games from the Pi Store.

You can make one yourself by first following this guide to set up your pi:

The video says you need keyboard,mouse,etc.You will in order to first set up the VNC Server,and Auto Login.Now that you have a raspberry pi all set up,follow this guide to set up the VNC Server:

Yay,now we have VNC setup,but you can't disconnect everything just yet.Next,you have to follow this guide to set up auto-login:

Yay,now we have auto-login setup.Now,you have to have a 5volt battery pack,or power bank to power your rpi on the go,you can buy a 5v battery pack here:

Yay,now we have portable power for our raspebrry pi.Now,shut the rpi down and carefully dissconect all the cables and stuff except the SD Card.Now,go on another computer and download a software called Putty.After you've set up Putty,open putty and type in your rpi's IP Address select the connection type as VNC.You should see a terminal window open,the username is pi and the password is raspberry.Once it accepts your username and password type:startlxde.You should see a window open with the rpi desktop.

Notes:If the password does'nt show this is a feature in linux,it is completely normal.You can find the rpi's IP Address by typing:hostname -i.In putty the IP Address is the hostname.In the Hostname field on putty put the IP Address plus :0 or :1.

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